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Pocket filter and police filter for dedusting of mineral waste

Processing and handling of recycling materials cause dusts, which can be due to their origin partly toxic or hazardous to health when breathing. In order to protect health of employees, the company decided to award the order for a central filter unit of type Infa-Jet AJN to Infastaub. The pocket filter reduces the clean gas dust content below 1 mg/m³. A further order of a 2-stage filter was also awarded to Infastaub. The police filter is downstream the new pocket filter and additionally gathers the exhaust air of 12 Infastaub silo filters that have already been installed.

A maximum volume flow of 48,000 m³/h was considered when designed. The first filter stage has filter media of filter class F7, HEPA filter cassettes of class H13 are designated for the second filter stage.

Technical data
Filter type Pocket filter Infa-Jet AJN
Volume flow[m³/h]max  48,000
Clean gas dust content[mg/m³]< 1
Filter class1st stage F7, 2nd stage H13
Police filter2-stage duct air filter

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